Please add Amir Ghobrial wife, Laura to your prayer list; she is recovering from surgery. We pray in Jesus name for a successful recovery and continued strength from the Lord during her time of need.
Please Pray for the Soul of Phyllis Amati
Please pray for the soul of Phyllis Amati, the mother of Brother Jim Amati. Louise went to the Lord after serving Him in this world for 103 years. Our condolences to Jim and Lynn and their entire family as they suffer through the loss of their beloved Phyllis.
Please Pray for the Soul of Dolores Segura
Please pray for the soul of Dolores Segura, who passed away on August 31, 2021. Dolores will be missed for many things: her devotion to her Lord, her family, the disabled, and to the Knights of Columbus. She was a friend to us all. Please pray for the Segura family,…
Please Pray For Dolores Segura
Please pray for Dolores Segura, mother of our Brother Knight Martin Segura, as she is currently unwell. Two prayers that will help you along in your meditations include: May God heal Dolores, body and soul, May her pain cease, May her strength increase, May her fears be released, May…
Please Pray for the Soul of Frank Archuleta
Please pray for the soul of Frank Archuleta, brother-in-law of fellow Knight Rudy Chavez, who passed away this week. Rudy’s sister, Charlotte, is currently in isolation due to COVID; please keep Frank, Charlotte, Rudy and the entire Chavez family in your prayers.
Please Pray for the Soul of Barbara Worsley
Barbara Worsley, a great friend to the Knights of Columbus and integral part of St. Simon & St. Jude Parish, has passed away. Barbara is the wife of 46 years of brother Knight Jack Worsley. Please pray for the entire family; the love of this Council goes to all grieving…
Please Pray for Chris Faris
Chris Faris, wife of brother Knight John Faris, has broken her femur and requires surgery. Please keep her and John in your prayers. Council 8338 will meet tonight on Zoom to say the rosary in prayer for the successful outcome of her surgery.
Please Pray for Willie Chavez, Brother of Rudy Chavez
Please pray for the soul of Willie Chavez, brother Rudy, who passed away on January 2nd. Keep Rudy and the entire Chavez family in your thoughts and prayers, and be sure to reach out to Rudy with kind thoughts and good wishes.
Please Pray For Ben and Rose Gentemann
As some of may know, Council 8336 Member Ben Gentemann and his wife Rose are experiencing health problems. Please keep them in your prayers.
Prayers for the Holy Souls in Purgatory
November is the month of Holy Souls. They need our prayers to be released into Heaven. You can find the Chaplet for the Dead and Litany for Holy Souls on this website: A Register of Holy Souls that contains the Chaplet & Litany, as well as other prayers and…