Bob Blodget was awarded the Knight of the Year plaque by his brother Knights at Council 8336 for his celebrated level of commitment, his dedication to the Council and his enthusiasm to volunteer on multiple fronts. We are honored to have Bob on our Council and we congratulate him on…
Knights Contribute $1000 to SSJ!
Knights Council 8336 just made a donation to the parish of $1000! The Knights of Columbus are honored to serve the priests at Sts. Simon and Jude.
Knight of Columbus Christmas Party: A Great Time Had By All!
Saturday, December 2nd, saw the coming of Christmas with our Council Christmas party! It was a night of fun and frolic, good food and even better cheer, and a warm feeling of unanimity as Knights (and their ladies) gathered to celebrate the holidays. The food was fabulous. The company was…
Knights Fifth Sunday Brunch July 30th!
This Sunday, July 30, 2023 is the 5th Sunday of the month. We will continue our tradition of attending the 9:30am Mass together and then enjoy good food and company afterward. DETAILS: Please sit in the front center right of the church, as always. Please wear Knights gear if you…
Officer’s Installation Ceremony!
District Deputy Rolly Aranz was on hand last night for the Installation Ceremony of our new 2023-24 Officers. Spouses were in attendance for a festive meal after the ceremony and a good time was had by all. New Officers include: Grand Knight: Tom Andrews Deputy Grand Knight: Matt Fertal Recorder: …
Council 8336 Bylaws Overview
Hello Brother Knights — The in-coming Grand Knight, Tom Andrews, wanted to share a copy of the Council’s bylaws so that brother Knights might better familiarize themselves with them. Council 8336 By-laws adopted 01-12-2021
Rock the Knight Event a Huge Success
Saturday, February 11th, the Knights held its Rock the Knight event at SSJ. More than 140 parishioners attended, and were treated to a gourmet meal and live band. The Knights truly rocked during this special occasion! Thanks to everyone who made it possible!
Knights Fifth Sunday July Brunch
Knights at Council 8336 meet after mass whenever there is a fifth Sunday in the month for brunch at the Mile Square Club. Knights gathered this July 31st, and a great time was had by all!
Fifth Sunday Knights Brunch
Knights at Council 8336 meet after mass whenever there is a fifth Sunday in the month for brunch at the Mile Square Club. Knights gathered this January 30th, and a great time was had by all!
Knights Served Doughnuts at SSJ
Knights were on hand for their monthly service at the doughnut-hospitality tent at SSJ today. Thanks to Bob Blodgett for serving, Bill Worsley for manning the cash box, and Rudy Chavez and Paul Garcia for set up! See you next month!